People of BlakeVille - Set One
The people of BlakeVille love having their photograph taken. I was only able to get to only a few of the people that signed up because they all want to chat and tell me about their day and lives. It was a highly enjoyable day.
- The Local Constabulary While taking this photo the town hobo decided to take a nap on the prop bench.
- The Scorn Fuck! I haven't felt so uncomfortable around someone since my days in catholic boarding school.
- The Team of Wrong In this scene the priest is being told off by the nun after she saw him try to pinch the portrait sitter's ass in the previous portrait.
- The Town Nudists Every town has them and BlakeVille has many of them. It is quite a liberated town.
- The Town Pest Again, he won't stop showing up.
- The Hoochie Coochie Girl Skilled at at the art of seduction, she takes center stage at many "special" events within BlakeVille.
- The Town Demon This guy is a menace. He was only supposed to pose for one scene, but turned up for several more.
- The Young Lovers These two are so excited about their future together. There is something in the air of BlakeVille that encourages lovers, I actually mean this, there is literally something in the air.
- The Town Narcissist What can I say about this guy other than he is just a dick. How he manages to carry that camera around with him everywhere he goes puzzles me. His name is David.
- The Town Hypocrite That damned priest keeps popping up everywhere to spout his conservative views on anyone who he believes is living an immoral life. Behind the scenes I saw him try to pinch the model's ass. He got slapped, hard, it left a hand print.
- The Resident Homeless Guy Even in a town as perfect as BlakeVille homeless people exist. His fellow residents are quite generous and he always has a warm bed to sleep in. He's never been quite the same since his 15th alien abduction.
- The Town's Farming Couple These two are the most charming people I have met in BlakeVille. They have been running the local cow farm for 40 years now. Just don't ask them, "are they friends or food"?
- The Town Nudists Every town has them and BlakeVille has many of them. It is quite a liberated town.
- The Mating Ritual Yeah, not sure how to describe this photo.
- The Happy Couple Voted the happiest couple in BlakeVille for the 15th time in a row. When asked what the secret is to their happiness, they always respond with no response, just a smile.
- The Town Charmer The town charmer is well known to the people of BlakeVille. Some think he is creepy. The woman in this photo is still on the fence about this.
- The Town Musician Easily the most talented musician in BlakeVille. People line up for hours to listen to him play. Strange considering there are no strings on his guitar.
- The Exorcism This photo is a little deceiving. It's not the priest trying to exorcise the demon, but the demon trying to exorcise the priest. He failed, much to the detriment of the local residents.
- The Town Mascot Every town needs a mascot and this is BlakeVille's. Recently she discovered the local weed farm, ever since then she hasn't been quite right.
- The Local Every town has "the local". He has been living in BlakeVille since before he was born. If you want to know something about the history of BlakeVille, he is the one to ask.